Event Information
Experience one of the most extraordinary venues in the world from a different perspective – Downward Dog.
Start your day with an exhilarating workout at the most awe-inspiring venue in the world – Red Rocks. If you are under the age of 18, you must have a parent or guardian sign a waiver on your behalf. In order to provide a touchless ticketing experience, tickets are available online only at redrocksonline.com/yoga or axs.com. No drop-in sales at the door.
By entering the venue, all participants agree to accept and assume all risks associated with participating at Red Rocks fitness events (Yoga On The Rocks and SnowShape Winter Fitness Series) and hereby release and discharge event organizer, sponsors, partners and the venue owner from any liability arising from all activities during the events. For full text of the release and waiver of liability, please visit http://www.axs.com/yogaontherocks_waiver.
For more information on how we’re keeping guests and staff safe, click here.

ASL Interpreters available upon request by contacting 720-865-2494 or redrocksaccess@denvergov.org