Event Information
The MOE. / TWIDDLE performance scheduled for Sunday, August 13, 2017, at the RED ROCKS AMPHITHEATRE has been CANCELED. Twiddle will still be performing in Colorado that weekend, details coming shortly. Refunds for Red Rocks are available at point of purchase.
Message from Moe.:
Due to unforeseen circumstances, moe. will be going on indefinite hiatus effective August 1, 2017.
We will play our remaining two shows in July (7/21 PlayStation Theater, 7/28 The Huckleberry Jam), as well as our LOCKN’ Festival appearance with Phil Lesh. Other than these three shows, we will be closing our doors until further notice.
More info for the Summer Tour with Railroad Earth will be forthcoming in the next few days. Please give us some time to sort out the details.
Thank you all for your love and support.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We look forward to seeing you down the road.
Rob, Chuck, Al, Jim, & Vinnie
A letter from Rob:
Early last week I was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer. Although I’d known something wasn’t quite right for a while, I wasn’t expecting to get this news. The prognosis is good, and the survival rate is high. Unfortunately the treatment will be rough on my body, and my voice. I will be out of commission for the foreseeable future, which means, moe. will be going on an unplanned hiatus. My treatments will begin in early August, and I will not be available for our planned summer tour. I’m very happy that we, as a band and a fan base, were able to successfully bring moe.down music festival back this Summer and I thank you all for your support. My love for our music, my band mates, our crew, and all of you continually grows and I hope to be back on stage doing what I love to do sometime soon. Until then, know that I’m in good hands, and I’m forever grateful for all of your support.
Your Pal,
Message from Twiddle:
We are saddened by the news of our dear friend Rob Derhak and our support goes out to him and moe. in this time of need. Because of these unforeseen circumstances, Twiddle and moe. will not be performing at Red Rocks on August 13, however we will still be playing in Colorado that weekend, with details coming very shortly.
Rob Derhak, like the rest of moe., is one of our musical heroes. We’ve all been fans in the crowd for many moe. shows, and we’re sending out our most positive thoughts. We love you Rob.
Details for ticket holders are coming very soon. Please be patient. We apologize for any inconvenience.

ASL Interpreters available upon request by contacting 720-865-2494 or redrocksaccess@denvergov.org